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RENTING @ The Fair


The Coliseum is available for rent. Events held at the Coliseum include: Wedding receptions, dances, bridal showers, banquets, fundraisers etc.

The Coliseum does not have restroom facilities. However, facilities are located nearby adjacent to the Norman County Fair Office.

To check on availability, please contact Amy Germolus at 715.307.7947 or email her at AmyGermolus@gmail.com


The 4H Building is a multi purpose building which can be rented for a variety of events and meetings.

Please contact Amy Germolus at 715.307.7947 or email her at amygermolus@gmail.com


The Horse Arena is available for horse clubs and enthusiasts to rent on a daily basis.

Please contact Amy Germolus at 715.307.7947 or email her at amygermolus@gmail.com
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