Rachel Arneson Borne grew up on the farm! Her first real farm task was hoeing weeds in their sugar beet fields. She went to college in St. Paul, and earned a Bachelors Degree in English and a Masters Degree in Anthropology. She then worked at various non-profits for a number of years before deciding to return to the farm in 2012. She always knew she would return to the farm in some capacity, but did not expect to fall in love with farm management and the day-to-day operations as she did.
She's proud to be a 5th generation farmer and 3rd generation sugar beet grower.
She is has a strong team of people on the farm including her parents, Ray & Jacqueline Arneson; Wade Hauge, who has worked for the family for 21 years. Wade's son, Hart, and wife, Nita, also work for the farm seasonally. In fact, Nita first trained Rachel how to operate a swather during wheat harvest many years ago! Rachel's brother, Jesse Arneson also farms with them along with many valuable, seasonal helpers.
Rachel predominantly raises sugar beets, wheat, soybeans and sometimes corn.
Rachel's favorite thing about farm is solving problems. Having a problem arise in the middle of harvest is never fun, but it is so satisfying when she finds the solution.
One of Rachel's great memories of farming is when her stepson, Alex (11) rode with her in the combine for the first time in 2016. Her husband, McKeag, expected him to last 20 minutes. Alex ended up spending over 4 hours with Rachel, asking great questions about the monitoring technology and operations of the machine. He harvested the final 20 acres of wheat in the driver's seat that year! He's not quite sure what he wants to do when he grows up. Even if it's not farming, Rachel and McKeag are glad he has these personal experiences to be a knowledgeable advocate of agriculture.
Rachel is not sure if the farm will be handed down another generation. Only time will tell. "Farming is not for the faint of heart; you have to be passionate about it. My dad understood this and never pressured me to return to the farm. He wanted it to be something I wanted to do for myself. I plan to take this same approach with the next generation.", stated Rachel.
Other Fun Facts:
- Rachel's favorite thing about The Fair?: I enjoy seeing the 4H projects. I know those kids put in so much time and effort! It's fun to see the younger generation practicing skills and pastimes that are so quickly disappearing from modern day common knowledge.
- Rachel's favorite Fair Food?: One of everything!